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RTS Sales Training Part1: Basics

This RTS Sales Training course covers the basics of RTS, including its functionality, product offering, features, messaging, unique selling propositions, advanced programming features, specifications, and basic setup procedures.

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About this course

This course will equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of RTS, covering the basics of RTS, its functionality, product overview, messaging, unique selling propositions, advanced programming features, specifications, and setup procedures.
• Understand the Basics of RTS: Participants will gain a thorough understanding of what RTS is and its core functionality, including its responsiveness to the assembly environment.
• Explore the Product Overview: Participants will explore the product offering of RTS, including torque range, output options, programming methods, communications bundle, and operational capabilities.
• RTS Messaging and Core Features: Participants will analyze the core messaging of simple, flexible capable, and understand the features that constitute it, allowing them to effectively communicate the value proposition of RTS.
• RTS Unique Selling Proposition: Understand which features provide a competitive advantage over top competitors, such as programming methods, keypad lock, battery platform, and status beam.
• Advanced Programming features:  Overview of advanced programming features including reverse disable, rehit detection, rehit prevention, cross thread reduction, soft start, one speed, and flush detection delay.


Curriculum27 min

  • Chapter 1 - What is RTS? 2 min
  • Chapter 2 - How it works 1 min
  • Chapter 3 - Product Overview 2 min
  • Chapter 4 - Features 1 min
  • Chapter 5 - Features (cont.) 1 min
  • RTS Sales Part 1 Knowledge check 1
  • Chapter 6 - Messaging 6 min
  • RTS Sales Part 1 Knowledge Check 2
  • Chapter 7 - Unique Selling Propositions 4 min
  • Chapter 8 - Advanced Programming 4 min
  • Chapter 9 - Application Specification 2 min
  • RTS sales Part 1 Knowledge Check 3
  • Chapter 10 - Flush and Torque Level Settings 1 min
  • Chapter 11 - Setup 2 min
  • Chapter 12 - Wrap up 1 min

About this course

This course will equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of RTS, covering the basics of RTS, its functionality, product overview, messaging, unique selling propositions, advanced programming features, specifications, and setup procedures.
• Understand the Basics of RTS: Participants will gain a thorough understanding of what RTS is and its core functionality, including its responsiveness to the assembly environment.
• Explore the Product Overview: Participants will explore the product offering of RTS, including torque range, output options, programming methods, communications bundle, and operational capabilities.
• RTS Messaging and Core Features: Participants will analyze the core messaging of simple, flexible capable, and understand the features that constitute it, allowing them to effectively communicate the value proposition of RTS.
• RTS Unique Selling Proposition: Understand which features provide a competitive advantage over top competitors, such as programming methods, keypad lock, battery platform, and status beam.
• Advanced Programming features:  Overview of advanced programming features including reverse disable, rehit detection, rehit prevention, cross thread reduction, soft start, one speed, and flush detection delay.


Curriculum27 min

  • Chapter 1 - What is RTS? 2 min
  • Chapter 2 - How it works 1 min
  • Chapter 3 - Product Overview 2 min
  • Chapter 4 - Features 1 min
  • Chapter 5 - Features (cont.) 1 min
  • RTS Sales Part 1 Knowledge check 1
  • Chapter 6 - Messaging 6 min
  • RTS Sales Part 1 Knowledge Check 2
  • Chapter 7 - Unique Selling Propositions 4 min
  • Chapter 8 - Advanced Programming 4 min
  • Chapter 9 - Application Specification 2 min
  • RTS sales Part 1 Knowledge Check 3
  • Chapter 10 - Flush and Torque Level Settings 1 min
  • Chapter 11 - Setup 2 min
  • Chapter 12 - Wrap up 1 min